Tuesday 11 February 2014

Journal 52 Journey, I'm making progress catching up!

Prompt 2 'A Special Place'
I wanted to try watercolours on this one, something I haven't done for about 10 years!
I based it on a photograph of a special place that I have visited regularly from been a teenager, its special for many reasons, but mainly its astounding beauty 
I tried to capture the watery beauty and skylight, I need to practice a lot more!
The flowers and reeds were added digitally, but I could have done them either with paints or stamps

Prompt 3 ' Something that makes you Smile'
I love spring and especially lambs, I'm very lucky as we have sheep close by and last year there was an orphan lamb called Olly he would bleat and run to you whenever he saw you, and he loved been cuddled a memory I will treasure for ever! 
He's all grown up now and has been kept as a pet, although not as friendly unless you have carrots!
I produced the drawing using a black micron pen on watercolour paper, and tried to capture happy lambs in a spring meadow

Prompt 4 ' Character Building'
I wanted to do something with a favourite holiday picture, as it reminds me of the lovely sunny days ahead!
The image already had the sunflower so I decided to embellish with more floral detail, this was done in Serif Craft Artist, Adobe Photoshop, but the main image manipulation was done using Filterstorm and Pizap effects on the iPad and printed on watercolour paper

Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please just ask :)


  1. I love, love, love the portrait page. I am way behind due to shoulder surgery. That is exactly what I had in mind. I love the way you layered the images and the color choices are perfect.

  2. The landscape is so subtle and atmospheric; very cool digi manipulation in the last one, and the lamb drawing is just fantastic. It reminds me of some book illustrations I loved I was little, but I can't at the moment pin down the book or the illustrator in my memory. Ah well - that'll probably resurface at 4am!
    Alison xx

  3. Wow Jools, you are just such an artist and so versatile. Love the serene water colour, the little lambs are just delightful and so skilfully drawn and as to the last one, digital wizzardry (not a word probably but who cares, you know what I mean), just fantastic! So much talent!!!

  4. Three very different pieces Jools, but oh my goodness what great pics to look at. Love the watery scene and how you have captured the light and the lambs drawing is just so detailed, as for the digitally worked piece, that has so many layers with great depth and imagery. Great work xx
