Thursday 17 September 2015

Stampotique Milestones

This weeks challenge is hosted by Kathi and the theme is milestone birthdays well here's mine coming up soon!

I applied some chipboard significant numbers to a Tando Media Card
and applied some crackle paste to the numbers

Applied DecoArt Cobalt Teal Hue and Prussian Blue, wiped back on the numbers and applied Metallic Gold followed with Distress Inks Dusty Concord and Victorian Velvet

Jasmin was coloured with distress inks, Peacock Feathers, Tea Dye, Pine Needles and Spiced Marmalade


  1. Gorgeous , the colours in the numbers is lovely. Tracy x

  2. Love the crackly numbers with the great blending of the colours - and Jasmin looks very cute perched on top.
    Alison xx

  3. So fabulous. I especially like the crackled numbers and the background. Jasmin looks very happy atop the tag.

    Thanks for playing along with my challenge this week!

  4. Fab project, the colours and the texture is just yummy. x

  5. 48!!!!! You are a babe in arms!!!!
    sandy xx

  6. Really lovely Jools. Fabby texture! xx

  7. It's so amazing how perfectly your 48 card matches the gold and teal background. Well - I know it's not really amazing - a great artist like you Jools knows just how to do those things!!! What I mean is that it just looks professionally done. Heheheheh - that doesn't sound right either because these days professionally done isn't usually done well!!!! You are better than the professionals - at least to me. Ugh not saying this well at all - dear me.... are you laughing yet???!!!! Ok so... let me just say... I LOVE THIS. Love the colors. Love that you made it your own with the 48. And love the gal on top. It's so fun and fab! Hugs. j. Oh and PS - Happy Birthday sweet girl - perhaps a bit early - but... had to say it!!!!
