Thursday 16 February 2017

DecoArt Distressed Heart

Apply white Gesso
 Apply Crackle paste with a palette knife through a stencil
 Apply Modelling paste with a palette knife and texture with the edge allow to dry 2-3 hours
Adhere the heart and fill the centre with modelling paste, allow to dry 2-3 hours
 Apply Yellow Oxide in vertical brushstrokes, leaving the centre lighter
 Repeat with Burnt Umber around the edges, apply Primary Magenta and Quinacridone Burnt Orange to the inside of the Heart
 Apply Carbon Black lightly to the bottom and top
 Wipe back with a baby wipe
 Apply black to the heart frame and apply as wash around and fade out
Once dry brush the heart with Yellow Oxide and Titanium White


  1. Another amazing piece beautiful colours fantastic Tag. X

  2. Truly STUNNING - you worked your magic Jools - so unique and intriguing. YEP - that's it - the word I always associate with your art work - INTRIGUING!!! And... I always adore it too!! Xj.

  3. Utterly delightful Jools, love it. Have a great weekend xxx

  4. Gorgeous, Love the depth and the colours xxx
